End bad habits while starting up on new good ones with The Habit Reframe Method

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Transform Your Habits. Transform Your Life.

Unleash a life-transforming journey with The Habit Reframe Method.

With over 5000 downloads, this groundbreaking eBook offers a fresh perspective on breaking free from destructive habits and embracing positive change.

Rooted in personal experience and psychological insights, Simon's method is more than just a set of tips; it's a comprehensive approach to reshaping your daily patterns.

Discover the art of 'pinning' to associate emotions with habits, learn the power of going 'Cold-Turkey*' on vices (the asterisk part is key), and embrace the iterative process towards lasting change.

Perfect for anyone struggling with procrastination, addiction, or seeking a deeper understanding of their behaviors. Transform your habits, transform your life with Simon D.'s unique and effective method.

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End bad habits while starting up on new good ones with The Habit Reframe Method

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